Page 6 - Lecce 2021
P. 6

The biodegradable material solves problem of items arrived to the the end of of its cycle of of the the life and does not generate waste The biodegradable material solves problem of items ar- rived to the end of of its cycle of of the life and does not generate waste Le materie plastiche biode- gradabili risolvono il il proble- ma degli articoli a a a fine ciclo di utilizzo perché non generano nuovi rifiuti La matière biodegradagle va résoudre le l problème des ar- ticles qui sont arrivés à la fin de leur cycle vital et on ne va pas originer des dechets El material biodegradable re- suelve el el problema de las mer- cancías llegadas al al final de su ciclo de la vida y no genera residuos Биоразлагаемый материал ре- шает проблему утилизации ор- ганических отходов 

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